Hi There!

Caitlin Bergendahl, Consultant & Pretty Cool Human Being

I'm a consultant with deep skill & expertise in: SaaS startup environments, leadership development & coaching, teaching with technology, curriculum innovation and development, program mapping and alignment, professional development for adult learners, holistic curricular alignment to business or educational goals, assessment and reporting of those outcomes, technology solutions for adult learning environments, workshop & organizational leadership facilitation, DEI topics, critical thinking skills development, reflective and wellness practices, instructional design, audio & video solutions, CMS & LMS management. 

I also foster critters for Richmond Animal Care & Control, listen to a lot of post-punk and indie rock music, I'm a ceramicist and potter, I'm a pretty decent gardener, I read a ton of science fiction, I love hiking and kayaking and traveling, and I can bake a decent loaf of bread.

Ask me anything.

Cait Berg herself


Educational and other Tech Expertise 


Faculty Development CV

Bergendahl Fac Dev Resume Nov 2023.pdf

Corporate REsume

Caitlin Bergendahl Resume October 2023.pdf


A research paper written in collaboration with Tammy Swecker, MEd, Interim Director of VCU's Dental Hygiene program. We were interested in how critical skills development in DH students could change as a result of student-centered pedagogies including flipped instruction, peer-led learning, and reflective practice.

Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Oct 2020, Vol. 94 Issue 5, p65-66. 2p.

Author(s): Swecker, Tammy; Bergendahl, Caitlin; Carrico, Caroline; Brody, Erica

National Conference Presentations

A conference presentation delivered for The Teaching Professor conference. In collaboration with Tiffany Freitas, Program Coordinator at VCU, we shared some mindfulness practices and pedagogies explored in a Faculty Wellness & Mindfulness Day we held for VCU faculty in August 2019. This conference presentation was in honor of our beloved colleague, Suzie Fairman, who was murdered in May 2019.  

A conference presentation delivered for Lilly Ashville, includes links to my presentation slides and handouts. This was a presentation I developed based on an innovative asynchronous method I created to offer authentic and transparent assignment design workshops to adjunct and other faculty who couldn't make it to in-person on-campus workshops. 

A conference presentation delivered for AAACE. The target for this session was to help other instructors of Adult Learning programs consider how their students could become stewards of public information online. Specifically, the history and scholars of Adult Learning theory and practice will be lost if we do not consider how we can be stewards of our own field of scholarly research. As doctoral and masters' students learn about the history and theories of Adult Learning, how can we ask these graduate students contribute to the body of publicly available information about the scholarship and history of Adult Learning?

A conference presentation delivered for AAACE. This was a panel discussion comprised of a number of scholars and consultants who collaborated together to rewrite the curriculum for Western Kentucky's Adult Learning Master's degree program.  We modernized the curriculum, including adding new texts, new assignments, and new pedagogies for teaching and learning throughout the program. I was a paid consultant on this curriculum project, and developed some lifelong professional friends as a result. 

CLASS EDU Training Library

This was a client-facing website I developed while working at Class Technologies. The home page was a landing page linking to our most frequently requested documents and guides.  The Class Training Essentials page is a series of brief tutorial videos, paired with guides, to get clients up and running as quickly as possible. 

The challenge here was to create and host materials as quickly, inexpensively, and efficiently as possible without utilizing any paid software systems such as an LMS or course authoring software. All guides were developed and hosted in Google Drive, videos were created with Camtasia, and I used Google sites for hosting.  


Sherlock Library.mp4

Sherlock Video

A brief tutorial video made to accompany a published paper, showing how quick and easy it is to create microbial library entries in the Sherlock software system. This screen recording was done by the client and I re-recorded the audio with a scripted voiceover.

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Richmond, VA